Who are transgenders? | Lekipedia

Who are transgenders? | Lekipedia

Who are transgenders? | Lekipedia

Let's understand today in simple and clear words.

Male or female gender is determined with the formation of the first cell/embryo. This is due to the sex chromosomes inherited from the mother and father. Because of these chromosomes, the internal and external organs and hormones of a male or female are formed in the fetus. And they appear with male or female gender at birth or during puberty.

Due to the disorder in this system or hormones etc., gender confusion occurs in some children. This ambiguity is sometimes seen at birth and sometimes does not appear before puberty.

Intersex or Hermaphrodite:

People who are born with sexual ambiguity due to such an abnormality. They are called hermaphrodite or intersex.

They vary in intensity depending on the abnormality. In Islamic history, jurists have also given such people the option to adopt the dominant sex/gender. And if the society is mature and God-fearing, then they should be given the right to live with dignity. However, there are different hormonal or surgical methods for their different needs that make some cases easier.

These are the people who were treated with severe discrimination in our society and they were deprived of even the basic rights of life.

Cis gender:

These are the people who were born physically and completely male or female and are happy with their gender identity. They include majority like you.


There are people who are born with the gender of male or female, physically and hormonally. But growing up are unhappy with their gender based on some psychological confusion or complication, social pressure, trend, personal likes and dislikes. This unhappiness is called gender dysphoria. These people choose their own gender.

If you are a man, you become a woman, if you are a woman, you become a man.

There are some who say That both men and women do not decide. This itself is non-binary.

The opinion of such people can obviously change according to time, circumstances and ideas. Sometimes these people only adopt the appearance and functions of the opposite sex, and sometimes they change their internal and external organs through surgery or hormones.

What is the problem of transgender with Islam:

Apart from veiling and mixing between men and women, there are laws of marriage and inheritance etc. in Islam.

Imagine if a man likes to be a woman tomorrow, he will go to women's bathrooms, their swimming pools, their gyms, etc. Who will he marry? If he declares himself to be a woman and marries a man, is it not homosexuality? Because any surgery or hormonal therapy will not change her true sex, only the body will change.

Understand an important misconception:

Transgender laws around the world were not designed to protect transgender people. They are medically and physically like this and very few in number. In the developed world they do not have the same problems that we have here. Transgender laws in the developed world are designed to protect those who voluntarily change their gender and are not limited to gender choice but extend to sexual orientation. Hence full protection is given to homosexuality with transgender.

What is going to happen next?

Please be informed that this is only one aspect. And goes much further. A transgender woman is not capable of having children due to being a man, so she donates eggs from someone and donates her own sperm to have a child. He borrows the uterus of a third woman to develop this embryo.

From this you can infer that the ancestry of children born in this way, their mother and father will be determined more than the children born from adultery.

Who is their real father? Who is the real mother? Is there anyone or not? Because what many claim, no one has.

There are also cases where after the marriage of two men, the sister provides the female cell and their mother nurtures this embryo in her womb. From this, you can make a rough estimate that it is just the beginning and what will come out after a few generations have passed.

The current situation in the western world is that as a result of adultery. Children are born without a single parent or both parents. Think how the spiritual, psychological, physical and emotional attachment of children born from this kind of process will be affected.

As if this is a plan to destroy the human race.

Take this matter forward. The West has not stopped there, but there are more and more groups and individuals who want to identify themselves as animals. .Them

Furries is called. I have seen such furries with my own eyes roaming around in entertainment places. Most of them also have sexual fantasies related to getting sexual satisfaction with or like animals.

What happened in Pakistan?

The joke in Pakistan is that clever people with colorful flags managed to satisfy their animalistic desires in the name of protecting the rights of intersex people. And Transgender Law 2018 was passed by all the major parties not only with the same controversial term keeping the public in ignorance. Rather, if you listen to the video yourself, you will know that the Minister of Tehreek-e-Insan, Shireen Mazari, is saying in clear words that.

Gender identity

Every person should have his own right and no medical examination should be imposed for it. This she is saying in response to the objection that real or congenital transsexuals should be legislated and medically confirmed that they were born gender ambiguous before allowing them to choose their sex. Are there or not? So that other selfish people cannot take advantage of it.

You people have no idea but I have spent many years in the West and have been working as a doctor for many years. Every third boy and girl coming to the doctor in child psychiatry wants to change their sex. Canada, which is at the forefront of passing this law, has gender reassignment ceremonies for children in schools in the US and European countries. And if the parents are not happy with it, it is not considered necessary to inform them. The law, the government and the whole society provide them complete protection. These children can be children of third, fourth, fifth grade.

Guess what the situation will be if this law remains in Pakistan with the same words? Since 2018 till yesterday, this law has been opposed in Pakistan only by Jamaat-e-Islami senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan and he alone is facing the ridicule and opposition of these dangerous people.

The decision is in your hands, you can turn a blind eye to this danger, try to silence it or act expediently due to political biases.

Or urge your leaders to make substantive amendments to the bill.

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