Communism and Socialism | Lekipedia

Communism and Socialism | Lekipedia

Communism and Socialism | Lekipedia

Literal meanings

Both Socialism and Communism have their origins in France and coincidentally both words are from the 19th century.

The word socialism is derived from society, meaning that when all the ownership of production and means of production goes into the hands of the society, it is called "socialism".

The word Communism is derived from Communism which means that when the production and agricultural production goes to the Community then it is called "Communism".

Both of them seem to mean the same thing, the only difference is community and society.

It should be remembered that Karl Marx and Engel used both the words Socialism and Communism in their books and they meant the same thing.

But Karl Marx wrote a book called Critique of "Gotham Program" which talked about communism and the upper part of communism, but when Lenin read this book by Karl Marx, he saw the lower part of communism as socialism and communism. The upper part started to be called pure communism.


According to Karl Marx, socialism i.e. the sub-stage of communism i.e. the post-revolutionary stage where the communist revolution is established but some capitalist features still remain in the society.


1) The dictatorship of the working class is maintained in the society so that the capitalists and landlords do not seize power again.

2) The "bourgeoisie" remains in the society, which means that those who work hard will get the same wages, which means that there will be an unfair distribution in the society.


Communism, according to Karl Marx, is the upper stage of communism, that is, communism is that part of the revolution where the revolution is complete and when hunger and poverty are completely eliminated from the society and the capitalists are also eliminated. So there is no need for the dictatorship of the working class and the whole world becomes a stateless and cashless society and 100% equality and equality will come in the society and the working class will have its own power for its dictatorship. By changing the quantitative quantity into quality, he will end his dictatorship by himself. I have some reservations regarding the fact that with the application of socialism, the dialectical laws are disintegrated, then how will this change happen.

However, we know from the theory of Karl Marx that if there is a revolution in a country, then socialism, i.e. the lower part of communism, will come in this country first, and then the upper part of communism, i.e. pure communism will emerge. Will be.

Both these groups have the same goal but different ways of working.

2) Part II

In this part, we will see the political factors and characteristics of the present time. In the present era of these two words (communism) and (socialism), if someone says to you that I am a socialist or a communist, then these two words have different meanings. shall be.

It should be remembered that every communist is a socialist but not every socialist is a communist.

Every communist has the belief that socialism is the intermediate stage between capitalism and communism and the period through which the revolution leads to pure and original communism, because the communist thinks that the society where for many years the government of rogues However, a stateless society cannot be formed immediately, therefore, the dictatorship of the working class is necessary to fill the power gap.


Now it comes to socialism. It so happens that both Engels and Marx together form a party of the working workers of Germany. Which he named "German Socialist and Democratic Labor Party" and later many other labor parties came into existence on the same pattern.

But after some time, a difference arose in this party and this difference was caused by two leaders who were the greatest leaders after Marx and Engels, who seemed to have memorized every book of Marx and Engels by heart.

My thoughts

The two leaders named "Edward Bernstein" and "Karl Kautsky". According to him, now the capitalist system has reached the stage that we no longer need to bring a revolution and establish the dictatorship of the working class, but on the contrary, we should first come into government through parliament and then reform the working class. will end the exploitation.

(In particular, "Edward Bernstein" said that the capitalist system is a system that collapses due to its internal contradictions, but in a short period of time it rises stronger and stronger than the previous era. (I personally agree with Edward).

However, in general, many of Marx's predictions were proved wrong, after which Lenin made some reforms in communism according to the conditions of Russia and answered many questions in his book called Imperialism.

Also, the communists believed and still believe that if the exploitation of the working class in the society is to be reduced and the resources are to be seized, then it is necessary to establish a socialist revolution in the country.

In general, in today's era, communists are those who want the dictatorship of the working class through revolution, and socialists are those who want reforms through parliament.

It should be remembered that today's socialists also call themselves social democrats.

Both these groups have the same goal but different ways of working.

Regarding these two theories, my thoughts are that bringing revolution through parliament is not wrong but stupid especially in backward countries like Pakistan because your entire parliament judicial system is full of traitors and crooks and anyway Karl Marx It was openly said that;

  "Democracy is the institution and sect of capitalism".

Therefore, it is foolish to believe in such ideas. Today's parliament and democracy are in the pockets of the capitalists, so how will you bring the dictatorship of the working class through this system.

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