Why we can't do CSS in Urdu? | Lekipedia

Why we can't do CSS in Urdu? | Lekipedia

Why we can't do CSS in Urdu? | Lekipedia

A CSS sheet is circulating on social media. It is actually a masterpiece of intellectual bankruptcy. If the society had not been bound by the feeling of inferiority and inferiority complex, then a serious discussion would have started on the intellectual poverty hidden in this paper. But our "local gentlemen" have been talking about the ignorance of this document containing sayings for a few days as if some new universal truth has appeared on the society.

Seeing the leap of this intellectual minority prepared by Lord Macaulay, I am wondering if the CSS exam can't be in Urdu?

Should it be claimed that class division is created in the country just because of one language? This is not a reactionary question, it is a conscious question that needs to be seriously thought about. 

What is language? 

Just a medium of communication. During the days when I was doing my Masters in English Literature, I also thought that there is no other language like this language. But our teachers removed this misunderstanding and explained well that language is nothing but communication.

Learn the language and read more, but there is no need to become a victim of unnecessary boredom. English must be learned, it is important, but it must be used as much as it is important. 

Making mere proficiency in the English language the standard of competence is a sick mentality that needs to be overcome, and it must begin with the bureaucracy itself. It should, even today, embrace the principles of Queen Victoria's time as the ultimate universal truth.

Sometimes one meets the people who hold the most important positions in Pakistan and when they shrug their shoulders and say that our Urdu is not good, Asif Sahib, it starts to disgust them. 

All these types of bureaucrats seem to be admitting the lack of Urdu as a weakness, but while doing so, their eyes are shining with pride that we are the best people on earth and we need them. Normal Urdu medium should not be considered as Pakistani.

When the East India Company occupied India, all languages were declared obsolete and only English was the standard of knowledge and excellence. Lord Macaulay was the creator of both the education system and the legal system. Lord Sahib's intellectual ignorance and arrogance was such that he claimed that what has been written till date in Arabic, Urdu, Persian and all other languages is equal to a few books kept on a shelf in an English language library. not enough.

Macaulay wrote that during the Renaissance of Europe, all the useful sciences had been translated into English and now every language except English was obsolete. This claim was nothing short of ignorance.

No language is superior, no language is inferior. All these languages support each other and are the common heritage of humanity. Other languages have played a major role in the development of English itself. The intellectual work of the Muslims and their Greek translations were translated into Latin, and when this translation was read in Europe, it was called the Renaissance of Europe.

Europe committed such intellectual dishonesty that some eminent scholars published the works of Muslims under their own names while translating. Now this incident is no longer hidden and the whole world has come to know.

The research of Nicholas Cooper Nikos, the greatest Western astronomer, is now known to be the original research of Jabir bin Sinan al-Batani.

Another study by Cooper Nicos was the work of Naseeruddin Toosi. So now it is called Tusi Couple by attributing it to Tusi.

The principles of mathematics that Cooper Nikos formulated were originally the research of Mowayd al-Din Ardi al-Amiri. The entire work of the moon's dynamics was stolen from Abu al-Hasan Ala al-Din (Ibn al-Shatir) by this greatest scientist in Europe.

The principles of mathematics were stolen by Fabio Nachi of Khwarazmi. Nicolaus' book was plagiarized by Nur al-Din Batrouji. Not one or two of Raymond Lolos's twenty books were plagiarized from Muslim books. Magnus Alberts wiped his hands on Ibn Rushd.

After all this academic dishonesty, it was claimed that one of our shelves is heavier than all the books in all other languages.

The native gentlemen produced during the East India period were gradually incorporated into Queen Victoria's bureaucracy after 1858. This bureaucracy was intellectually convinced that there was no language like the English language, English law. There is no law like it and there is no civilization equal to the English civilization.

The mother of one of them did not spend her childhood with Shakespeare's maternal grandmother, but even today they consider speaking in Urdu an insult to human dignity. (It is a different thing that they do not know English and they are walking around as a local Anglo-Vio Madula).

English should be spoken where necessary, but should English be an unnecessary burden on the shoulders of the society? 

Where is the sense in which the Assistant Commissioner is issuing orders in English language to vegetable vendors and oven owners? 

Can't this work be done in Urdu?

Creating class division on the basis of language is not only a crime but also a serious crime in case of violation of human rights. 

What is the literacy rate in the society? 

Almost half of the population is illiterate. 

Why can't CSS exam be taken in Urdu in this society? 

Are they all ignorant who don't know English? 

According to the constitution, if the national language is in Urdu, why can't the exam be conducted in Urdu? Why insist on a foreign language?

It is basically an arrangement to keep a certain class dominant in the bureaucracy. 

This is the class which was called 'native gentleman' in the neo-demographic period and about which Lord Macaulay said that we have to create a class which is native in color and blood but which in thought, thought And English by taste. That is, Gamashta of the East India Company.

What is the performance of the upper class we have created on the basis of language? 

Except that it has access to English. Tell me if he has done any other feat. If countries like Turkey, China, France can develop in their language, why can't we?

When will these psychological knots of slavery be opened?

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