Family as Social Institution | LekiPedia

Family as Social Institution | LekiPedia

Family as Social Institution | LekiPedia


⮚ Social institutions have been created by man from social relation in society to satisfy basic needs  such as stability, law and order and clearly defined decision-making and authority roles.

⮚ Each of us as individual occupy a place or location in society. Each of us has status and a role or  roles. 

⮚ These are social institutions that compel/force and control, Punish and reward. They could be  “macro” social institution like the state and “micro” one like the family. 

Meaning of Social Institution: 

⮚ Social institution consists of a group of people who have come together for a common purpose. Definition of Social institution. 

⮚ Social institutions are mechanisms n: or pattern of social order focused on meeting social needs,  such as government, economy, education, family, health care and religion. 

⮚ Social institutions are socially approved social structures that are devised to fulfil the desires of  human beings. 

⮚ An institutions is a social structure in which people cooperate and which influence the behavior  of people and the way they live. 

Family as Social institution 

Concept of Family: 

A family is formed by a married man and women with their unmarried children. Definition of Family.


∙ A group of people one husband and wife and his children or grandparents or blood relatives or  adopted child living together. 

∙ The family is a kin based cooperative unit.

Function of Family Institution:  

∙ The institution of family has three important functions: 

⮚ To provide for the rearing ( Bring up ) of children 

⮚ To provide a sense of identity or belonging among its members 

⮚ To transmit culture between generations

Types of Family:

⮚ The family is of many types.

There are various factors which are taken into account while  classifying the family: 

According to Decent 

∙ According to membership 

∙ According to Residence 

∙ According to Authority 

According to Residence 

⮚ Depending on the place of residence of newly-wedded husband and wife, the families are of  following three types: 

∙ Patrilocal Family


∙ Matrilocal Family 

∙ Neolocal Family 

Patrilocal Family: 

∙ When the newly married wife leaves her parent’s house and go to reside with her husband’s  parents in their house, such families are known as patrilocal family. 

∙ Most of the Pakistani and Indian families are patrilocal.


Matrilocal Famiy: 

∙ When the Married couple resides in the wife’s parental residence then such families are known  as matrilocal family.


∙ This type of families formed when wife does not leave her mother’s house ever after marriage  and it is the husband who come to reside with her, leaving his parent’s residence. ∙ 

This type of family is rare in present society but under specific circumstances, it comes into  existence. 

Neolocal Family: 

∙ When a newly married couple set up a new home, independent from either of the parents then  such families are known as neolocal families.


∙ In Western countries, young couple prefer neolocal family i.e. they prefer to set up a new home  which is separate from either of their parent’s residence.

According to Authority 

⮚ Families are of types seen from the point of view of authority. These are: 

∙ Patriarchal Family 

∙ Matriarchal family 

Patriarchal Family: 

∙ The family in which father is the formal head and ruling power in the family is called patriarchal  family. 

∙ The authority of father is taken as absolute and final in such families

∙ Women and children have to follow the decisions of the male members of the family. ∙


Traditional Pakistani, Indian and Chinese families are example of patriarchal family. 

Matriarchal Family: 

∙ The family in which mother is the head and makes the major decisions is the matriarchal family. ∙ 

In such families usually mother has the power and authority in the house. ∙ 

Men and children have to follow the decisions of the female members of the family. 

Egalitarian Family: 

∙ In this type of family, neither men or women is authority to decide but both husband and wife  give equal importance to each other’s suggestion. 

∙ Decisions are made with mutual discussion. 

According to Membership 

⮚ Family is divided into two types on the basis of size: 

∙ The Nuclear Family 

∙ The Extended/Joint Family 

The Nuclear Family: 

It is made up of a husband, wide and their unmarried children. 

∙ This type of family is small in size. In Urban areas nuclear family is more popular.


The size of family is kept small because of lake of living space, economic problems and other  factors. 

∙ It is the basic grouping of married couple and their children and is also known as immediate and  primary family.

The Joint/Extended Family: 

⮚ It is composed of blood and marital relatives of three or more generations who identify  themselves as a member of a particular family. 

⮚ The members of joint family provide financial and other kind of help to each other and follow  joint family norms. 

⮚ They usually live under one roof and function under one common authority. ⮚ Extended family is extension of the nuclear family very often by addition of some closely related  people. 

⮚ It includes Married couples, their parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins  living together. 

According to Decent 

⮚ Families are of three types on the basis of descent: 

∙ Patrilineal Family 

∙ Matrilineal Family 

∙ Bilateral Family 

Patrilineal Family: 

The family in which the descent is traced through the father is called patrilineal family. 


In this type of family system, the property and the family name etc. is inherited through the  male line. 

∙ This is most common type of family. 

Matrilineal family: 

∙ Matrilineal family is the opposite of patrilineal family.


∙ The ancestor of such family is traced through mother or female line. 

∙ The female members alone enjoys all the rights of property and of inheritance. ∙ 

In other words, property rights is handed down from mother to daughter and so on and so forth. 

Bilateral family: 

∙In this type of family, descent are traced through both father and mother. ∙ 

The relatives of both father and mother have importance. 


∙ This type was found in traditional societies.

Functions of Family 

Functions of family are divided into two types; 

a) Essential Functions 


b) Non-essential Functions 

Essential Functions 

Satisfaction of sex needs: 

Family has the main function to satisfy the need of sexual desire. 

∙ All other institutions agreed that family has the right to satisfy the sexual needs legally, ethically  and religiously. 


∙ Family is the breeding center of children and human resources in every society. Sustenance Function:


∙ The family is responsible to provide daily care , food , security and shelter to every person. Provision of a Home: 

∙ It is obvious without home man can’t live, grow and establish. 


∙ Family gives a home to an individual being a member or head of family. 

∙ It is necessary to have a home to shape any family. 


∙ Man is a social animal. Family provide socialization to humans , marriage, devorce, education,  and other socialization only possible through institution of family.

Non-Essential Functions 

Economic Functions: 

∙ Family serves as an economic unit. 

Property Transformation: 

∙ Family acts as an agency for holding and transmission of property. 

Religious Functions: 

∙ Family is a center for religious training of children. 

Educative Functions: 

∙ The family provides the bases of all the child’s latter forming education learning.

Recreational Functions: 

∙ The family provide recreation to its members at home. 

Wish Fulfillment: 

This family provides his defense against social isolation and loneliness and satisfying his needs  for personal happiness and love. 

Changed Functions 

Some functions historically changed and now performing through other institutions of society: 

⮚ Change with regard to satisfaction of sex needs: 

∙ Satisfaction of sex need is one of the most important function of family. Though much changes  are not introduced in this important function still some changes are marked. Some relaxation  is marked in this function of family. 

⮚ Change in the reproduction function: 

In traditional society’s reproductive functions was one of the most important essential function  of family. But with the change of time this function of family is also affected to some extent.  ∙ At present a child is born in hospitals and in clinics. With the development of science and  technology particularly with the development of genetics engineering test tubes babies are  born which greatly affects the reproductive functions of family. Birth of more number of  children are discouraged. 

⮚ Changes in the child rearing functions: 

A great deal of changes are marked in the child rearing functions of family. These functions of  the family have been shifted to certain external agencies such as hospitals and maternity home.  ∙ Working women at present prefer to send their children to these agencies. As a result children  are barred from family affection and ties. 

⮚ Change in Protective functions: 

⮚ In ancient time’s family used to protect its members against all chances. It is primary duty of  family to provide security and protection to old, aged and handicapped etc. 

⮚ But now a days these important functions of family has been taken over by other specialized  agencies such as hospitals, clinics and old age home etc.


⮚ Changes in the socialization functions: 

In ancient times family plays a vital role in the process of socialization of the child. Human child  became a human being living in direct and personal care of family members. As a result the  child attain a great personality. But a lot of changes occur in the socialization function of family. 

⮚ Change in educational functions: 

Traditional family performs a number of educational functions for it’s members. It was  the first school of children. He learns his primary education and some occupational  education from family.  

But in present day the role of family in education has declined a lot. School, Colleges,  Universities and technical institutions take the place of family and teachers became  substitute to parents. 

⮚ Change in religious function: 

In traditional society family was the center of worship and religious activities.  ∙ But in modern times this religious function of family have also been undergone a  change. Religious practices and festivals lost their traditional importance. As a result a  great change is marked in the religious function of family. 

⮚ Change in the Economic function of family: 

In the ancient times the family was the main center of production, consumption and  distribution. It produces almost everything as per the need of its members. 

But at present family remains only a consumption unit than a center of production.  Most of its economic functions are being performed by the factory or industrial units.  Industry fulfills the needs of family. 

⮚ Change in the recreational Function: 

In traditional societies the family was the center of all kinds of recreation. It acts like  modern clubs without its evil effects. 

But in modern times the recreational functions of family have been shared by different  external agencies such as hotels, parks , clubs and movies etc. With the change in society  recreations become commercialized.



Social institutions work as back bone of a society. Without the social institution, a society  cannot achieve fulfilment in term of economy, academy or relationships. When there are no  rules and regulations in a society people are more likely to indulge in crime and other harmful  activities. 

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